Exhibitions & Shows

The Northern Arizona Watercolor Society currently holds one juried Exhibition a year. Members can send in recent paintings for acceptance. A nationally respected, watermedia artist chooses the final show and selects the paintings for awards. Additionally, acceptance in our Exhibitions counts toward recognition as a Juried or Signature Member. NAWS has held juried shows since it’s beginning to encourage growth and mastery of watermedia.

2025 Juried Spring Exhibition – April 28 – August 28, 2025

Celebrating 30 Years of Creativity

The NAWS Spring Juried Exhibition is showing at Sedona City Hall, 102 Roadrunner Drive; Sedona, AZ 85336 from Monday, April 28 through Wednesday, August 27, 2025.

The exhibition will showcase the theme of the 30 Year Anniversary of NAWS.

Since the Gallery is sometimes reserved, please call Nancy at (928) 203-5078 prior to visiting to confirm open times.

The Awards Reception will be held in the Council Chambers at Sedona City Hall on Thursday, May 8 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Our juror is Kim Johnson. The reception will include refreshments and music courtesy of the Sedona City Council.


Please review the following:


1. Complete the Entry Form.


2. Make your payment either by check or PayPal.

3. E-mail your images as described on the Prospectus


Feel free to contact Pat at 602-616-7045 or patbscott@msn.com.